Its only ever been about making something awesome.
It all started with the urge to make something, to do something different. We started in 3D printing the same way you did, with pure passion for the technology and the drive to do amazing things with it.
Founders of Project R3D SpaceLab Maker Space 2016
We had crazy ideas and plans but hit a wall, there were limitations that current printers on the market couldn’t overcome at the time, so we waited. We waited for the big names in the market to create printers that can overcome those limitations, we waited. We waited a few years and realized the industry was no longer taking leaps rather baby steps, we stopped waiting. It was our time, time for makers voices to be heard, time to solve the fundamental issues the industry has been solving with the same “bubble gum and duct tape” they have for the last several years. That is why we stopped waiting.